Monday 15 March 2010

Folder Design for Bloomberg

Here are some images from my Bloomberg project. For my publication design, I created a folder that will hold all the booklets together. Altogether there are 20 booklets.

Bloomberg Publication Design

Finally, I've completed my Bloomberg project! Hooray! This was definitely the most difficult project I've done so far! But I've learnt a lot so hopefully a lot of positives will come out from it.

I couldn't believe the amount of work that needs to be put into a design for a simple publication! Layout, paper type, sizes and thickness, colour/non colour, production, print specifications etc etc...
Below you can flick through my pdf that I'm handing in for monday's assessment:

Thursday 11 March 2010

Human Spine

Our current project is to design a publication for an art gallery called Bloomberg in London.

We've been uploading our research and ideas on for our project manager Marit to assess.

There's a lot of weird and wonderful binding ideas and this is one I found pretty interesting. This bookbinding is based on human spine anomalies. What would happen to the book spine if you apply to it similar distortions? Pretty interesting concept.

Celebrate Originality

This was a recent project for Adidas Originals. It is a 20'x5' billboard design. It was showcased on their display at the project, Las Vegas Show 2010 this month. The stipulations were to use the traditional Adidas blue and for the design to include the phrase "Celebrate Originality".

I think this illustration clearly shows that you don't necessarily need tons of colours for art to be successful. Just a few shades of the same colour is very effective.

The Designer is Jared Nickerson from Seattle, USA

Bog Roll Sculpting

Check out these crazy origami sculptures designed by Jacquet Fritz Junior
They are printed on a black sheet of polymer thermoplastic ( PVC ) covered with anti ultraviolet ray unpolished film. It's crazy how even a bog roll can be used to create great pieces of art!